The principles of ESL Assessment
Dear all,
The English as a second language
assessment is required of all new first time college student who wish to enroll
in an ESL course for the first time.
Ø What is assessment?
Assessment means the act
making a judgment about something or the act of assessing something.
Ø What is the Purpose of ESL
The Purpose of ESL Assessment is to
assess student’s reading and writing skill. Results will inform them if they
are ready to undertake college level work, if they need to further develop
their skills. Based on result they will be placed into a level of ESL or
English appropriate to take their skill level. In this manner student’s
probability of success will be increased.
For ESL Assessment we have to know
about its main principles. ESL Assessment have 5 main principles. Let’s see it
in depth.
First what is the
Practicality means
relating to what is real rather than to possible or imagined or appropriate or
suited for actual use.
Practicality is the first
principle of ESL Assessment. It is related with the reality. That is related to
natural world, beyond the textbook or out of the classroom. Practicality refers
to tests that should be true. A practical teat considers not only the
limitation of budget and time, but also has clear administration, scoring and
interpretation. It has a scoring or evaluation procedure that is specific and
time efficient.
v Reliability:
Reliability means the
extent to which an experiment test, or measuring procedure yields the same
results on repeated trials. In simple language DEPENDABILITY. Reliability
refers to test that are consistent and dependable. Students or groups of target
students are given the same test result would be similar. For test takers they
are not ambiguous to a given field to study. Also, a reliable test not only
gives learners clear directions but also offers administration rubrics for
grading or evaluation.
Validity means acceptable
according to the law or a fair or reasonable. Compared to reliability, validity
talks about a test which “is valid if it is measured what is supposed to
measure” and when it is used for the purpose of assessment. A valid test should
measure according to its purpose, but not “irrelevant or contaminating
variables.” Thus, a test’s meaningful information for criterion, and evidence
of performance should be considered in order to measure a student’s learning
ability. Furthermore, there are many ways to measure the validity of a test,
including content validity, construct validity, criterion related validity and
face validity.
v Authenticity:
Authenticity means real or genuine, not copied or false.
Authenticity emphasizes that language is natural, contextualized and
meaningful. Besides, authenticity offers language theme based organization,
story line or episode to reproduce real world tasks.
v Wash back:
In simple language wash back means give feedback. It is the
last principle of ESL Assessment. Wash back which refers to “criterion for the
test is influenced of the form and the content of the test” in the classroom.
This is also the effect of testing on teaching and learning. Wash back
generally refers to the effect the tests have on instruction in terms of how
students prepare for the test. Formal test can also have positive wash back,
but they provide no wash back if the students receive a simple letter grade or
a single overall numerical score.